
HRS 校友 Making a Lasting Impact on Careers and Communities (Part 1)



海德罗伊斯校友在毕业后追求的多样化和有影响力的旅程展示了我们社区中独特的才能和成就. 无论是同时还是在不同的时间线上, 在海德罗伊斯的共同经历创造了一种超越学年的家庭纽带. 超过5,000名校友, our network is robust; it's not surprising that former classmates become colleagues and that the name “Head-Royce” opens doors and establishes immediate trust. 

我们与校友们见面,听取他们的职业生涯历程以及他们是如何合作的. 他们的故事不仅突出了个人和共同的成功,也体现了跨领域校友网络的力量. What they impart paints a picture of vibrant and engaged citizens, where alumni and students alike contribute meaningfully to their communities and beyond. 

Andy Rabens '01, Special Advisor to the Vice President for International Economics and Global Partnerships, 在空军一号旁边


Andy Rabens ' 01, 国际经济和全球伙伴关系副总统的特别顾问, began his political career interning on Capitol Hill by day, 同时在晚上和周末在肯尼迪中心的电话营销区出售剧院门票来维持生计. The week he had started college was the same week the Twin Towers fell and nearly 3,000 Americans lost their lives; a day he recalls “opening my eyes to the larger world around me.” As his dream of becoming a professional tennis player began to fizzle, his interest in global politics and international affairs sparked after he took a few government courses; growing into a passion that has continued to the present day.

他愉快地笑着说他在售票处的日子, admitting that selling tickets is a little like selling ideas. “You have to be willing to talk with anyone without fear of being rejected; a good life skill!安迪继续说, “我们常常低估那些在不寻常的地方磨练出来的技能,尽管它们可以很好地转移.“他在海德罗伊斯当学生运动员的时候, 例如, 体育运动对他的信念产生了很大的影响,使他认识到以团队为导向的工作和生活方式的重要性. 学习成为一名团队成员可能具有挑战性,但为共同目标而合作的好处本身就是一种奖励.

“个人可以提出伟大的想法来激发变革, 但通常需要一个团队来围绕这些伟大的想法进行动员,并产生有意义和持久的影响.”

虽然开始他的政治生涯花了一点时间, it was not the most difficult challenge Andy has overcome. “我小时候有严重的口齿不清,因为发不出‘Andrew’中的‘dr’音而感到沮丧,于是我开始用‘Andy’来代替.” The years he spent working on speaking more clearly have paid off, as have his efforts to overcome an earlier fear of public speaking. “我参加了无数的Toastmasters课程,强迫自己多次站在观众面前, 我改进.他说,好消息是,公开演讲就像许多技能一样,是可以学习的. “We can invest in and get much better at it with work and practice, 让我们克服一些恐惧, 感知障碍, 和挑战.”

从2001年开始, HRS年鉴, Rebecca Friedman served as President of the 中学 Student Council

        Dr. 丽贝卡(弗里德曼)利斯纳05年,照片摄于

安迪目前是他在美国工作的第15个年头.S. Government across four presidential administrations and six Secretaries of State at the U.S. State Department and sees himself squarely as part of Team USA.

“I've worked across numerous presidential administrations, 从布什政府的结束开始, 一直延续到奥巴马总统和特朗普总统的整个政府, now I am proud to be serving in the Biden-Harris administration.“作为一名公务员, 他认为总统执政有点像奥运会接力赛,你可能会有自己喜欢的跑步者,以他们独特的风格或方法跑不同的比赛, 但在一天结束的时候, 你是美国队的一员.

“I am doing my best to help whomever the American people elect be successful.” 

奖励? 安迪脑海中浮现出许多不同的成分. “着手解决重要的问题,可能会改变国内外人们的生活,成为不可思议的团队的一员,比如现任副总统的团队,我周围都是鼓舞人心的同事,他们非常关心这个国家, 他们努力解决的问题, the power of government to positively enhance people’s lives,他想道。. 

He now works in the office of the Vice President of the United States, 卡玛拉哈里斯, 还有海德罗伊斯的校友 Dr. 丽贝卡(弗里德曼)利斯纳' 05, who is the Principal Deputy National Security Advisor to the Vice President. “我和奥巴马博士一起工作. Lissner (aka Rebecca) on a day-to-day basis and she is an incredibly dynamic leader, 思想家, writer; an absolute rock star.安迪指出,他们在湾区的多元化社区中长大,有着共同的联系, 就读于海德罗伊斯大学.

他给那些对政府或公共服务有兴趣但可能不愿从事这些工作的人的临别赠言是:“试试吧. 只有人民愿意为之工作,创造我们所寻求的变革,政府才算好. Personally, I’m still energized by what the government can do!” stressing that we need more young people with fresh ideas to help shape the future. “是的, 现在可能会有分裂的感觉,他说, “but I truly believe that the more we talk to one another as people, 找到共同点, 打破我们许多人身上的盔甲, 我们将找到更多的共同点, 减少分歧, 以及进一步合作的机会.”




我们问 克莱尔·罗斯19岁,欧莱雅营销助理, 工作中最有意义的方面是什么 萨米尔·索尼' 17, 另一个HRS校友?

"我认为和人力资源研究所的校友一起工作最有意义的部分就是有一张友好的脸可以坦诚相待! 由于我刚刚开始办公室生活,在专业和社交方面都有很多东西需要学习. Trying to make friends in the office looks a lot different from our days at HRS, having someone who I know and can go to for advice and support is such a game changer! I've already been bugging Samir about help on mini projects, he is always such a help. It's always good to have someone who isn't judging your questions or confusion, 他就在你的角落里!"

当被问及她在职业生涯中遇到过哪些挑战,以及这些挑战是如何让她走到今天的时候, 她解释说:

"As a recent graduate from Colgate University, I am at the very beginning of my career. 我遇到了两个挑战. 第一个, getting the job I have today was of course a challenge as networking, 应用, 面试对我来说都很新鲜. I wish I knew more about the HRS alumni connections program when I was 应用 to jobs, because I know that Jayhawks are always excited to help each other out. 我已经有几个年轻的HRS校友联系我,我已经迫不及待地想和他们谈谈. Secondly, it is difficult to show up authentically at work. 我是新来的, 我很年轻, I am inexperienced and (let's be honest) awkward most of the time, 所以如何分享我真实的个性是我一直在努力的方向. This is another thing I love about working alongside HRS alum, it is refreshing to have someone around who knows me as “Claire,而不是“新的市场助理”.

04年的商业伙伴Tyler Lohman, 04年的Oliver Kremer, 11年的Marcus Byrd和98年的Leo Kremer

我们还检查了 泰勒·洛曼04年, 奥利弗·克莱默,04年, 马库斯·伯德,11岁, Leo Kremer, 98年 (上图), four HRS alumni who went into business together after college, 足球外围平台他们一起工作的经历.

Leo Kremer, 98年, 联合创始人和前联合ceo, Dos Toros(与Oliver Kremer合作), 目前Founder-at-Large, 创始人桌餐厅集团和合伙人, Shtetl Ventures(奥利弗也担任同样的角色)分享了:

"The most meaningful part of working with other HRS alums was the automatic trust, 尊重, 和趣味性.

We had bedrock shared perspectives on communication, teamwork, importantly, burritos. 能够回忆起老师、运动队和各种学术项目也很有趣.

Every day at work with Tyler, Marcus, Oliver was a pleasure. 我们在成长方面面临着许多挑战,需要在每个阶段使组织适应我们的新现实. 每一件事都有起起落落,我们学会了如何坚韧而平静地面对. 我们发现了多斯·托罗斯, 我仍然相信, that one of the greatest risks in business and life is inaction."

泰勒·洛曼04年, 联合创始人兼开发副总裁, Dos Toros; currently Senior Vice President, 发展, 健康接待合作伙伴 补充道:

"(一起工作最有意义的部分是)基于我们共同的人力资源管理经验的内在信任. 不管我们在学校里是否有交集, I knew that by working alongside other HRS individuals we had a solid foundation, 高智商和情商, 以及对世界和彼此更清晰的认识, that would not be possible from the outset had we not had that common HRS experience.

成功地与朋友一起工作了这么多年,为比较未来的机会设置了不切实际的高门槛. 我在多斯托罗斯找工作(后来我称之为“重新找工作”)的时候恰逢新冠肺炎爆发,持续了整整一年, in large part due to my fear that no other experience could match what I previously had. I took my time and explored a wide range of fields and opportunities, 但继续受到年轻的鼓舞, 使命驱动型公司. 2021年3月, I accepted an executive position with 健康接待合作伙伴 (HHP), 哪个是医疗保健设施公司, coincidentally also started by two brothers; I think I've found my next career."

马库斯·伯德,11岁, Head of Marketing (2015–2020), Dos Toros; currently Director of Marketing and Brand (employee #1!) for Hart House (2020–present), Kevin Hart's new hospitality concept, explained: 

"我在其他三个主要城市生活过——华盛顿特区, 纽约市, Los Angeles—and there is nothing like people from the Bay Area! 更具体地说, I think Head-Royce does a great job of helping students develop an innate sense of self, while always working toward the greater good and the community.

尽管高中毕业后从未在湾区生活过, I have fully embraced working at start-ups in my professional life. I love how fast-paced the environment can be when no two days are the same, 然而, 它还需要大量的组织. As a marketer I love finding omnichannel ways to grow a business, 但衡量每一种战术的优点是非常重要的,这样你就可以在重新应用或改变战术之前消化哪些有效. 我2024年的座右铭是“梦想大,但目标小”。!"